Happy Fasting!

Yeah! Welcome to fasting month again! welcome to Ramadhan O:) i know it's late, today is 18th day soo..it's about 11 days remain. Time passes so fast.
Fasting huh? it reminds me to Ramadhan last year, first time i know a thing called OMEGLE *i should get reward lol*

It reminds me to Canadian, American and other boys and girls from other countries that i know from omegle. So it's almost a year we've been friends but...i don't know much about them lol it's because i haven't chatted with them anymore. They seems ignore  me or something else, but they're still in my friend list on my facebook. aah never mind about them.

oh yeah i wanna tell you that i have German/Deutsch as a subject in my school! but at first i expected to have French than German but it's okay. And I also took Deutsch club! it's one of the extracurricular activities here (FYI: There are 33 x-tracurricular activities in my school. WOW? yeah of course).
I took THREE extracurricular. lyka boss. not really, there's my friend who took more than 3, probably she took FIVE! or MORE.
Well from that I learn to manage my time! Hope I can manage it well.


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