2 Weeks 1 Kg


Happy New Year! Whoa first post in 2017

Somehow I want to make an intro?? An intro for every single post I made here?? Yes? No? But I don’t have any idea ahah. Mungkin karena kebanyakan nonton yutub juga kali ya.

Ya, seperti judulnya, it’s officially holiday season/session for me and I will be spending 8 weeks at home. It’s been 2 weeks here and I’ve gained 1 kg hahahahaha. No no it’s not my concern, I don’t really care honestly. Kenapa? Euuh sebanyak-banyaknya gue makan keknya paling mentok berat badan gue 57 kg. Itu pun cuma sekali gue ngecek dan udah lama banget, liburan kapan entah gue lupa. Lima puluh tujuh kilogram menjadi catatan berat badan gue paling berat. Rentangnya paling antara 55-57, tapi paling sering 55-56.

Meanwhile other girls or women out there keep their weight as secret or maybe think that it’s taboo and here I am being honest and even talking about it. No shame. No no I don’t mean that ALL girls should tell their weight openly to other people because you know everyone has their own problems and insecurities, it’s ALRIGHT if they don’t want to talk about it. But please don’t judge them. Maybe you can help them struggling with this issue, help them to get ideal BMI. Or you can encourage them, tell them that they are beautiful just the way they are. Spread the positivity and happiness. Yey.

Gue ngomong apa sih.

I often walk home from my college or vice versa, maybe that is the cause. Somehow it works for me, it burns my fat and calories. Ditambah lagi pola hidup dan pola makan anak kosan yang ya..gak selalu makan 3x sehari, kadang makan kalo inget doang. Dan hebatnya berat gue gak pernah lebih rendah dari 55. Ajaib emang ini badan gue.

Dad often told me to do exercise, sport, so I won’t get fatter but well sampe detik ini hari-hari liburan gue diisi dengan mantengin laptop main BigFarm atau mantau nilai dan berita-berita terkini, makan, trus tidur. Siklus 3 kegiatan wajib ini berulang terus menerus. Entah sampe kapan. Hha. Mungkin ini yang bikin bapak gue khawatir anak perempuannya satu ini makin endud wkwk.

Iya tau kok postingan kali ini campursari inggris-indonesia, gue ngerasa kemampuan nulis gue dalam bahasa inggris agak semakin tumpul. Ngomong juga. Tapi gue sering dengerin audio drama dan nontonin orang main game. Haha. Harusnya gue nonton film tanpa sub sih ya. Ya..intinya begitu deh. Sebenernya pengen sih punya partner untuk conversation /kode. Mungkin ada yang berminat? Ahaha hahaha.



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