Old Friend

Well, hey guys.

Today I just went out with my old friend. She’s not old *lol* I mean I knew her about 2 years ago. I knew her ‘cause she was my friend at a course. We were not close friends at that time. Yes we did some convo but we weren’t best friends or something like that. It was only a few months because she then went to other course. Since then, we didn’t meet again. Ever.

Idk how but then we had contacts again! I guess it was because facebook. She added me. Then from that we were often chat. Online. Then we texted. Sharing lotta things. And now we’re on twitter. We’re getting closer and closer and be a good friends. Maybe can be called best friends but I still can’t feel that ‘feel’ of ‘best friends’, honestly. I just feel that we’re good friends. And today was the 2nd we hung out. Yep SECOND. We’ve ever done it before. Unexpected. It was just because we feel like a close friends and I said I missed her aaand we planned a went-out-day. And we did.

On the first day we met, after 2years long we didn’t meet, it felt so awkward. So far we just chatted online and texting. Only that! It was our first meet. Haha. We went to the cinema. Had good time. At that time we were in a holiday. Not a holiday actually but at that time we were just graduated from Junior High School (or maybe some of you called it Middle School) We both already got Senior High School while the others having test to get in a school. So… we had plenty time to spend together.

And today was not really different with the day we first met (again). We went to the cinema, had lunch, hunted books *I mean bought books*, looked for some CDs. O yeah she’s also an author! She just published her first novel and I just bought it today!! Aha! And I forgot to ask her to sign it -_- and today we watched ICE AGE 4!!! *I know it isn’t a new movie but it’s still make me excited and surprised because it’s an old movie (It’s just out on cinema on July) but I still could find it on the cinema* I really wanted to watch it since it was out on July. I planned to watch it with her *my old friend* but we were both got busy with new schools, orientation days! And other activities.

Why did I really want to watch it?

First.. Honestly, It was because the newest single of my fave band is one of the soundtracks!! It’s The Wanted’s! I was over-fangirling today when the song came out! Fortunately the theatre wasn’t really full of visitors. It was only a few kids with their parents and some teens. So I and she could fangirling without bothering others. *but who knows maybe when I sang the song and dancing while I still on my seat, the other visitors gave me weird-rude-looks and thought I was erm… a weirdo?* I just over-excited. And I was really happy that she understood me Haha. Thanks dude! :D Love you x

And second, It was a good movie! Or maybe great! It’s one of my faves. There are some jokes in it. I like it. Entertaining :D

Ok then...


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