Hello everyone!
aargh long time no post..i'm so sorry guys 'cause i still can't access my account with my PC,so sorry i can't update my blog as soon as i used PC is so sucks! -____-
Well,actually i don't have any idea what things that i can share w/ u guys right now. Maybe i'll tell you about my preparation to face the National Exam (<--i think this kind of exam only be held in Indonesia.and i think it's hard to tell more about that exam in english hehe :D)
So,back to the topic..for facing this exam i've done and joined a lot of Try Out (--> i joined the TO that was held by the government in my school,then i joined TO that was held by other school and the last i've joined TO in my course) yup i've done it all and i'm kinda sick of that -..- of course i feel bored,every day we do and discuss questions
(yah bisa dibilang di gojlok sama soal soal dan soal!! <--haha sorry i don't use english for this sentence)
Beside that,i have to face US (--> Ujian's kinda different with UN/Ujian Nasional/National UN the subject is only a few such as for the junior high school like me: Bahasa Indonesia,English,Math,Science.but for US is all of the subject --> for JHS the subject in UN are also in US.the subject for US: Bahasa,English,Math,Science,Social Science,Sundanese,Art..etc!) US will be held on the last week of March (i don't know exactly) and for UN,it will be held on 23th of April-26th --> for JHS
Woho! it's a big burden for me,i have to face those exam and continue my study to Senior High School..but nothing i/we can do here as a student/students,we have to do all of the procedure.
The last, wish me luck guys so i can pass the exams :D and i wish i can access my account with my PC again!!! Amin
Well..maybe only this thing that i can share for today..see you on another post!! bye!! <3
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