Actually it's an old movie (about a year ago) I had long wanted to watch this movie, and when i was searching for an Animation movie DVD to watch i found the INCEPTION DVD!! AAAAAAA!!! I was screaming at that time so my mom ask me "What happened my dear?" #LOL Joke
You can see the pic beside...
Yup this movie is starring by Leonardo DiCaprio. I know he's handsome, charming, and wow haha but i'm not his fans.
For you, teenagers, if you watch this, i bet that you'll a little bit confuse and it's hard to understanding the plot or the meaning of the player's dialog.
If you all had that, So Do I...
From the first this movie began, i can't understand the terms that used in this movie. I used the sub-title but i still can't understand it. I repeated it again and again and again!! The duration is about 2hrs 15m but i finished watch it in 3hrs 30m!! -_-" Dan yang bikin keselnya itu Sub-title nya suka ngaco! Awalnya saya setting Sub-Title bhs.Inggris eh ada dialog yang saya gak ngerti artinya, saya puter ulang tuh, masih gak ngerti juga, trus saya ganti sub-title nya jadi bhs.Indonesia.....tambah gak ngerti *gubraaak*
Padahal itu aktornya jelas-jelas ngucapin "INCEPTION" tapi di sub-titlenya malah "INSPIRATION" hadoooh gak nyambung -___- trus kalimat ribet banget bagi yang suka dan terbiasa dan nalarnya cepet mungkin cepet ngerti maksudnya.
I admit this movie is very complicated but it's not the world's most elaborate film, perhaps the complexity of the film is still not the worst for some people but if you ask me? It's so complicated!
Awalnya sih saya cuma penasaran sama ni film, kayakny keren deh. Eh pas saya nonton mendadak saya malah jadi fans-nya Joseph Gordon atau Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt alias dia main di fil ini sbg Arthur, partner nya Dominic Cobb yg diperankan oleh Leonardo DiCaprio.
Mulai deh saya kumat. Asal kalian tahu aja yaa, sekalinya saya 'demen' sama aktor made in western or foreign di setiap film, di setiap adegan yang ada dianya saya teriak2 histeris gak jelas -__-" annoying banget yah. Makanya saya sarankan bagi yg mau ngajakin saya nonton, kalo ada aktor cakepnya atau ada aktor favorit saya mendingan jangan deh, tapi kalo anda mau terganggu dengan teriakan saya dari awal sampe akhir film sih gapapa :D #Ge-eR
Aaaaargh.. I admit thi movie is soooo cooool..Apalagi yang pas adegan berantem tanpa gravitasi, ditambah lagi yg berperan di adegan itu adalah ARTHUR!!! aduh saya teriak2 di kamar sendiri gitu deh ckckck
Subhanallah, he's sooo gorgeous!! but sadly he's OLD, he's 30 years old! Kenapa ya aktor favorit saya tuh yang ganteng2 pasti umurnya udah 25 tahun keatas? Jujur, (sejauh ini) saya gak punya aktor favorit yang umurnya yaaa 15 tahun-an lah paling gak. Gak tau kenapa. Tapi beruntungnya (kebanyakan) semua aktor favorit saya memenuhi kriteria bule idaman saya *halaaah
1. He's Brunette or has black hair
2. Has blue or brown eyes
3. Has white skin
4. Tall
5. Handsome, cute :3 :D
But when i was browsing in the internet about Joseph Gordon, i found the on of his films. The title is: 10 Things I Hate About You
Hm..interesting. It was launched on 1999, and i was about 1 years old at that time! I was too young. Then I watch it (actually it's in YouTube and i found it in an article) If it was released on 1999, so he's 18 years old on that film series!! woohooo He's soo cute X3
If you curious about him, just browse!!
Okeh kembali ke topik utama. Pas bagian2 menuju Ending nya entah kenapa saya nangis kayaknya karena terharu plus saking imutnya si Arthur kali yee *jyaailaah
Aaa Gileee..keereeen filmnyaaaa :''''D salut deh buat sutradara sama si Christopher Nolan dsb. pokoknya yang berperan di film ini deeh.. 4 thumbs UP!!
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