How To Play Silent Hill mobile 2
Cheat ini adalah lanjutan dari SH mobile 1. Walaupun sebenarnya jika anda bermain SH mobile 2 ini, agak sulit untuk memahami jalan ceritanya. um..btw I got this by browsing google and took it from its site :P
- Who... Who is this?
- Lucas...
- Why do you keep calling me that!?
- Because that is you. That is your name.
- Me? My name? It's my... I don't know... I don't...
- Yes?
- I... I don't remember!
- You will, I promise. I have never let you down, have I?
- No... But... I... I don't... Stop it! Get out... Get out...
- Lucas! Don't! You need to focus!
- I... My... My skin feels warm...
After the dialogue obtain the Notepad from the corpse's grip. The Notepad says: "Mark me as a dead man. Mark me with red. Mark my way straight to hell". It is a hint to what you should draw in the painting. Return to the Waiting Room and use the Wax Crayon on the painting. Connect the rod dots to draw a triangle like this:
A dialogue will start again:
- Lucas! Please stay calm! All you need to do is wait for a man to come!
- Who is this man? What should I do with him?
- We must punish him, Lucas! I finally found him. Now he will have to pay!
- Why? I'm not sure... I don't understand... Who is he?
- He is the reason for our pain, for your pain! But if we capture him, the pain will end. I promise!
- The pain... I feel... empty... I need to know...
- Lucas, listen. We must not fail... I... We need to have him...
- But I need to know what...
- Lucas, we must punish him!
- Everything feels so strange... Is this all real? What has happened to this drawing?
- What have you done!? Go away! Do not come here!
The triangle on the drawing is glowing now. Touch the marking to enter the Otherworld. You can now use this symbol to switch between the Normal World and the Otherworld. Go to the room in the southern part. There will be some twitching meat hanging from the ceiling in the string bag. It has a paper attached. Take the Paper. The paper says: "Brad killed himself. Bill is the father of Marie. Sarah is gone. Marie's offspring Lucas is here. Bill is hanging from the ceiling. Karen is dead". Now exit the room and go to the Locker Room. There's a cage there with a nameplate besides it. Take Lucas' Nameplate. Get to the Basement and find a door with a metal plate near it. It has nameplates on it, but some are missing. Put Lucas' and Bill's Nameplates and examine the plate. Now you have to press three nameplates in the correct order. To do that you have to check the Paper and find some connected persons: "Bill is the father of Marie. Marie's offspring Lucas is here". So press nameplates in the middle column in this order: Bill, Marie, Lucas. The door will unlock. There's a birdcage in there. Put the Doll into it and the slot in the lower part of the birdcage will open. Get the Small Key from it. Karen will speak again:
- Lucas... Leave that alone... Please...
- What is it?
- This man is coming to us very soon, Lucas. He's already on his way. If we capture him, everything will be well again. The pain will go away... Lucas, please listen to me.
- I can't... All I see is filth, I'm bleeding... Take me away from here...
- Lucas, we need to be in this together. We are... family...
- Don't touch me! I don't know you! Who are you?
- Lucas... Please...
Return to the Normal World and go to the Locker Room. Use the Small Key on the padlock of Karen's locker and open it:
- It... It's empty.
- Get away from there!
- I can hear screams...
- Run Lucas! You must run away!
- I can't... I'm bleeding! They're all bleeding! They're all going to bleed!
No go to the Otherworld and return to the Locker Room to check Karen's locker. It will be opened and you'll find dead fetuses in it. Examine them:
- They... They are all dead... Fetuses... All dead...
- I... Lucas...
- You killed them?
- They were already dead, Lucas... After the orphanage... If I could only save one, that would make up for everything, and they were all so special, every one of them...
- What are you telling me? Am I not special? You said I was the only one!
- Yes, you are. There was only one I could save...
- ...
- Lucas, you must...
- No! You have betrayed me all this time! I... the blood... It's everywhere! Burn me!
- Lucas, don't do this! You need to understand! Please let me explain! We are family, you have to listen! Come to my office and we can sort everything out...
Go to Karen's office on the Basement floor as you were told (the door with a metal plate besides). You will find Karen there. Speak with her:
- I'm sorry Lucas. I know that you are... You are so special.
- I'm not special and neither are you! You lied to me all my life!
- I took care of you. No one else did. They wanted you dead!
- Your lies, they're everywhere. They are all I can hear. They fill my head... I want them to go away! They must go away!
- Lucas, listen. He is coming. All the pain will stop. I promise!
- All these lies... away... They need to go away...
- Lucas, my dear son, listen to me. We must not fail... Please...
- They need to go away!
- Lucas...
Use the Steel Pipe on Karen's head:
- Bleed witch...
- Father... You have never been so close before. Come here... I have something to say...
Go forward the wall with a face and the dialogue will start:
- Finally...
- Who are you?
- She called me Lucas.
- She? Do you mean that woman in the office?
- Yes.
- But... why?
- Her stories... lies... But the pain...
- What stories? What are you talking about!
- The pain... I can still feel it... it burns... She said you are the one to blame!
- Why... How can you know?
- So maybe she was right after all...
- You don't understand! I was only trying to help!
- There's only one way to end this...
Shoot Lucas. After the battle get the Iron Key from the ground. Return to the Normal World and unlock the last lock on the door with tree locks. Enter the door. You will find yourself in a dark room with a chair and some moving creature. The final dialogue will start:
- It's all dark in here... but it feels strange... I better get out of here quick...
- Did you really think you would get away with all this?
- What? No... No!
Cheat ini saya dapatkan dari sebuah hasil pencarian di Google. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya dapatkan dan sudah beberapa kali saya bermain dan menamatkannya. Semoga cheat ini dapat membantu. Terimakasih~
Source :
The game begins with a dialogue between Karen and Lucas:
- Don't touch that locker!
- Who...? Where am I?
- I'm sorry Lucas, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression.
- Who are you?
- My sweet Lucas, don't you remember?
- You seem so unfamiliar to me...
- My little darling, I will take care of you. You are so special.
- ...
- Close your eyes.
You play as Lucas and are now in a Locker Room of the Hospital. Look at the locker at the far end of the room. It has a nameplate with Karen's name and is locked with a padlock. A nameplate on the nearest locker on the right is a bit loose. Get Bill's Nameplate. Exit the room. Turn to the left, go forward and turn to the left once more. You should find the Map on the wall besides a door. Obtain it and you'll find that you're currently on the 1st floor. Enter the door besides the map. Look at the painting of two adults and a child locked inside a cage on the wall. Take the red Wax Crayon from the small table besides the wall. Now go to the Basement and enter the Laundry. Open the washing machine to get a dirty Doll from it. Now go to the 2nd floor and enter the only one unlocked Patient Room. Check the wall to find some Roman numerical - II V IX I. Return to the 1st floor and find the door with a code lock. Use the code lock to enter the number 2591 (the Roman numerical) and enter the door. A dialogue with Karen will start:
- Who...? Where am I?
- I'm sorry Lucas, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression.
- Who are you?
- My sweet Lucas, don't you remember?
- You seem so unfamiliar to me...
- My little darling, I will take care of you. You are so special.
- ...
- Close your eyes.
- Who... Who is this?
- Lucas...
- Why do you keep calling me that!?
- Because that is you. That is your name.
- Me? My name? It's my... I don't know... I don't...
- Yes?
- I... I don't remember!
- You will, I promise. I have never let you down, have I?
- No... But... I... I don't... Stop it! Get out... Get out...
- Lucas! Don't! You need to focus!
- I... My... My skin feels warm...
After the dialogue obtain the Notepad from the corpse's grip. The Notepad says: "Mark me as a dead man. Mark me with red. Mark my way straight to hell". It is a hint to what you should draw in the painting. Return to the Waiting Room and use the Wax Crayon on the painting. Connect the rod dots to draw a triangle like this:
A dialogue will start again:
- Lucas! Please stay calm! All you need to do is wait for a man to come!
- Who is this man? What should I do with him?
- We must punish him, Lucas! I finally found him. Now he will have to pay!
- Why? I'm not sure... I don't understand... Who is he?
- He is the reason for our pain, for your pain! But if we capture him, the pain will end. I promise!
- The pain... I feel... empty... I need to know...
- Lucas, listen. We must not fail... I... We need to have him...
- But I need to know what...
- Lucas, we must punish him!
- Everything feels so strange... Is this all real? What has happened to this drawing?
- What have you done!? Go away! Do not come here!
The triangle on the drawing is glowing now. Touch the marking to enter the Otherworld. You can now use this symbol to switch between the Normal World and the Otherworld. Go to the room in the southern part. There will be some twitching meat hanging from the ceiling in the string bag. It has a paper attached. Take the Paper. The paper says: "Brad killed himself. Bill is the father of Marie. Sarah is gone. Marie's offspring Lucas is here. Bill is hanging from the ceiling. Karen is dead". Now exit the room and go to the Locker Room. There's a cage there with a nameplate besides it. Take Lucas' Nameplate. Get to the Basement and find a door with a metal plate near it. It has nameplates on it, but some are missing. Put Lucas' and Bill's Nameplates and examine the plate. Now you have to press three nameplates in the correct order. To do that you have to check the Paper and find some connected persons: "Bill is the father of Marie. Marie's offspring Lucas is here". So press nameplates in the middle column in this order: Bill, Marie, Lucas. The door will unlock. There's a birdcage in there. Put the Doll into it and the slot in the lower part of the birdcage will open. Get the Small Key from it. Karen will speak again:
- Lucas... Leave that alone... Please...
- What is it?
- This man is coming to us very soon, Lucas. He's already on his way. If we capture him, everything will be well again. The pain will go away... Lucas, please listen to me.
- I can't... All I see is filth, I'm bleeding... Take me away from here...
- Lucas, we need to be in this together. We are... family...
- Don't touch me! I don't know you! Who are you?
- Lucas... Please...
Return to the Normal World and go to the Locker Room. Use the Small Key on the padlock of Karen's locker and open it:
- It... It's empty.
- Get away from there!
- I can hear screams...
- Run Lucas! You must run away!
- I can't... I'm bleeding! They're all bleeding! They're all going to bleed!
No go to the Otherworld and return to the Locker Room to check Karen's locker. It will be opened and you'll find dead fetuses in it. Examine them:
- They... They are all dead... Fetuses... All dead...
- I... Lucas...
- You killed them?
- They were already dead, Lucas... After the orphanage... If I could only save one, that would make up for everything, and they were all so special, every one of them...
- What are you telling me? Am I not special? You said I was the only one!
- Yes, you are. There was only one I could save...
- ...
- Lucas, you must...
- No! You have betrayed me all this time! I... the blood... It's everywhere! Burn me!
- Lucas, don't do this! You need to understand! Please let me explain! We are family, you have to listen! Come to my office and we can sort everything out...
Go to Karen's office on the Basement floor as you were told (the door with a metal plate besides). You will find Karen there. Speak with her:

- I'm not special and neither are you! You lied to me all my life!
- I took care of you. No one else did. They wanted you dead!
- Your lies, they're everywhere. They are all I can hear. They fill my head... I want them to go away! They must go away!
- Lucas, listen. He is coming. All the pain will stop. I promise!
- All these lies... away... They need to go away...
- Lucas, my dear son, listen to me. We must not fail... Please...
- They need to go away!
- Lucas...
Use the Steel Pipe on Karen's head:
- Bleed witch...
Now you play as Vincent. Turn to the right and take the Map from the wall. Try to enter the door nearby - the voice will speak:
- So you came...
- Who is this? Identify yourself!
- I'll play with you first.
- Say what?
- ...
Go to Karen's Office in the Basement. There you'll find dead Karen. Take the Surgery Key hanging on the wall. Then open the drawer of the desk to find a Prescription. Examine the Prescription to learn written text on the back: "A pair of raindrops fell from the sky. As they landed on the ground, a child was born..." Get to the 2nd floor and enter the Surgery Room using the key. You'll find another dead body there. Take out the Scalpel from his leg. Exit and go to the middle Patient Room. Notice that the bed's mattress a bit torn up. Use the Scalpel on the bed to get a Quarter. Exit the room and notice a wending machine with a sticker "1 dollar" in the end of the corridor. Now you can go to the Waiting Room on the 1st floor (the one with the symbol). Examine the 2nd chair on the left to get the Chair Leg. Touch the symbol to switch to the Otherworld. Go to the 2nd floor and enter the left Patient Room. Use the scalpel to get a Quarter from the sticky mess on the chair. Then use the Chair Leg to get some of that substance on its tip. You can enter the other two Patient Rooms to get a First-Aid Kit and Handgun Ammo. You can always get them there when you'll need. Get to the 1st floor and find the picture on the wall. Now it's a skin with dried blood on it. Use the Scalpel to carve in it. If you remember, the text on the painting in Real World said: "This is the path to God". You should carve this path in this way:- So you came...
- Who is this? Identify yourself!
- I'll play with you first.
- Say what?
- ...
When you're finished, you'll hear a click of distant door opened, but that will be a door in the Normal World. Before switching worlds go to the room in the southern part. You'll find a hanging meat there. Press 1 to use your Handgun to fire into the net (the aim should become red) and bring it down. Use the Scalpel on the meat to get the Filing Cabinet Key. Now return to the room with the symbol and switch to the Normal World. Find the Doctor's Office (opposite to the elevator) which is now unlocked and enter it. Open the drawer of the desk to get one Quarter more. Then use the key to unlock the Filing Cabinet to the left. Open it and you'll find the X-Ray Plate. Now visit the southern room (with a code lock). Examine the drain to see that there is a coin shining there. Use the Sticky Chair Leg to get the last Quarter. Now that you have all the coins go to the wending machine on the 2nd floor, use the Quarters on it and press the red button - you'll receive a Wallet. Examine the wallet to get a Piece of Paper. The Paper reads: "Half a decade later, he spoke his first words and said: "Let Me Go." Six weeks later he died." Go to the Surgery Room on the same floor and use the X-Ray plate on the lightbox and you'll find that there is something in the body. Use the scalpel to cut the dead body lying nearby and receive the Bronze Key. Go the first floor and find the door with three locks in the end of the corridor. Use the Bronze Key to unlock the bronze lock. Then you have to enter the right digit on the code lock. Hints to the digit come from the text written on the Prescription and the Piece of Paper: "a pair of raindrops" - 2, "a child" - 1, "half a decade" - 5, "first words: "Let Me Go" - 3, "six weeks" - 6. The code will be 21536. After this the voice will speak:
- Come and you will find what you're looking for.
- Who is this? Are you the one who wrote this letter?
- Downstairs.
Go to the Otherworld. Go to the Patient Rooms on the 2nd floor if you're out of Ammo and First-Aid Kits - you'll need them. Then get to the Basement. Go south and the voice will speak once again:- Come and you will find what you're looking for.
- Who is this? Are you the one who wrote this letter?
- Downstairs.
- Father... You have never been so close before. Come here... I have something to say...
Go forward the wall with a face and the dialogue will start:
- Finally...
- Who are you?
- She called me Lucas.
- She? Do you mean that woman in the office?
- Yes.
- But... why?
- Her stories... lies... But the pain...
- What stories? What are you talking about!
- The pain... I can still feel it... it burns... She said you are the one to blame!
- Why... How can you know?
- So maybe she was right after all...
- You don't understand! I was only trying to help!
- There's only one way to end this...
Shoot Lucas. After the battle get the Iron Key from the ground. Return to the Normal World and unlock the last lock on the door with tree locks. Enter the door. You will find yourself in a dark room with a chair and some moving creature. The final dialogue will start:
- It's all dark in here... but it feels strange... I better get out of here quick...
- Did you really think you would get away with all this?
- What? No... No!
To be continued …………………
Cheat ini saya dapatkan dari sebuah hasil pencarian di Google. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya dapatkan dan sudah beberapa kali saya bermain dan menamatkannya. Semoga cheat ini dapat membantu. Terimakasih~
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